Quality processes
Optimal production area
AGRILEA SUR is an Argentine company specialized in peanut production, selection, marketing and exports.

Many years of experience and a thorough knowledge of the Argentine pampas key peanut area, where the best quality peanuts in the world are grown (its characteristics and yield potential, the best producers and their work processes) underpin the guarantee of excellence required so that this precious food that our land provides us with may cross borders to reach other latitudes.

Excellence as a result
A company's excellence is a reflection of the quality of its processes; those processes that constitute the company, shape it and support its functioning. At AGRILEA SUR, we have paid special attention to the design of our processes aimed at achieving maximum quality in the purity of a product, so that this one may preserve its natural and healthy condition.

Our goal is speciality, not volume. We prioritize quality over scale. This sets us apart from the largest peanut companies as it allows us to have a better traceability, focusing on controlling the circuit to obtain a premium product.
Work methodology
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